A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
Saturday, October 16, 2004
A detail of the neoclassical arch, where you can see statues of Vasco da Gama, who reached India by sea, and the Marquês de Pombal.
In the middle of the square, there is a statue of the king D. José I, who ruled Portugal at the time of the earthquake (although no one was as powerful as his "prime minister", the Marquês de Pombal, who rebuilt the city and ruled with an iron hand). The square has always seemed to me more munumental than the Brussels Grand Platz, although it seems very neglected compared to the belgium one. It has a stunning view to the river also.
Lisbon's Terreiro do Paço, one of its main squares, rebuilt after the big earthquake of 1755. One of the best loved elements of the square is the triumphal arch which welcomes visitors to the Rua Augusta, a popular shopping area, with traditional trade.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
But what really made me go back to these pictures - some of them already posted a few days ago - was the use of colour, or black and white, in a photography. I'm still "experimenting" with that, and refining my senses. A friend from America, K. (check her nice website at http://spillforthchameleon.blogspot.com/) liked the shadows and contrasts in this picture in its B/W version. Does it look any better in colour, I wonder?
I do want to go back to this same spot near Vila Franca de Xira, however. You can see some old trees in the horizon, and after that, you reach the river, in a place where it looks as wide as the sea. Hopefully, there will be a few seaguls, flamingoes and frogs around, and, with some luck, no rats to photograph.
I'm looking forward to go back to the countryside and take new pictures. Days ago, when I took this one with my cheap 3.2 megapixels digicam, I was just passing by and took the opportunity. I stopped the car, got out out and walked for half an hour, until I had nothing but greenery and river around me. I hadn't done anything like that since I was a teenager. It seemed quite idylic until I heard some noises coming from the vegetation. No, it was not a rabbit but a group of big rats. It made me wake up to reality in quite a shocking way and I fled to the car.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Heading home... Another day in the traffic jam. Oct. 2004
A view to Lisbon from Almada. Oct. 2004
Ponte 25 de Abril, the brige that connects Lisbon to the south of Portugal, viewed from Almada. Oct. 2004
Cristo Rei, Almada. This monument is over 30 floors high and, right below the statue, there is a terrace with a viewpoint to the surrounding area. It was built as a sign of gratitude for allowing us to escape World War II and is a popular attraction among tourists.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Caparica, Oct. 2004. Even with this kind of weather, some people are brave enough to still go jogging, like the man that can be seen over the rocks. These huge stones were put here decades ago to divide the beaches and offer some protection against the waves, that would otherwise reach the city.
At the beach in Caparica it was not so bad, though. We had coffee in one of the bars, where by popular demand the owners were planning to start the heating, as it was windy and chilly. When I was growing up those apartment towers you can see in this picture weren't there yet, and to be honnest, I've never liked them...
Saturday morning, and it's finally raining. Autumn has at last arrived, but it was quite sudden. It was 28º Cº two days ago, and today it was around 17º Cº. By the time we had luch a small storm had arrived and we could even hear some thunder. And what do you in a day like that? Obviously, you just grab you camera and go to the beach...