A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
Monday, April 18, 2005
Summer is not far away now...
The ship was travelling incredibly fast. In two minutes it had passed the Bugio lighthouse, miles away.
This huge luxury liner was just leaving the Tagus, heading to the high sea.
The local townhall seems to be repairing the pavement across the Caparica beaches, before Summer begins.
I felt happy to see so many stray dogs, just like when I was groing up. Most were taking an afternoon snap, like this one, that kept sleeping even with all the noise around.
Lisbon, just across the river... A small ferry connects the two shores, over 2 kms apart.
Many ships use these docks to unload cargo, and that strange mix of industry and traditional fishing activities (and very degraded buildings) still puzzle me.
Today we passed through this small village near the sea, Trafaria, that looks even uglier than in the years of my childhood... I often used my bycicle to get there as kid (over an hour riding each way) and keep fond memories of the place.