what a excellent photo Milan this IS one of your best. Wow what a shot man. This one needs to be made into a print. You got a background in the arts? good on you!
Come on guys, you really make me feel speechless :) I'm glad you liked these pics, which only reflect the beautiful spot I found days ago while driving around. One of these days we have to create a joint blog between all of us just for the pics... Then, I know, we'll be unbeatable eheh. By the way, Z., my background is in journalism and politics, so I'm surprised myself that I'm able to take interesting pictures at all! Hugs
Dear HippyChix, thanks so much for the encouraging words. Actually, I remebered that you liked my B/W pictures when I was editing them - and that was one of the main reasons for choosing B/W instead of colour. I'm glad I was able to transmit a bit of the atmosphere of the place to all of you. There's always so much beauty to capture around us, and it's rewarding to read such nice messages, from people I came to admire so much in the past few months. Hugs
what a excellent photo Milan this IS one of your best. Wow what a shot man. This one needs to be made into a print. You got a background in the arts? good on you!
Agree with B&B.... nice one... oh yah...what is your profession, milan?
What can I say that hasn't been said? I think we need a "Memorias do Tempo que Passa" gallery show. :)
Come on guys, you really make me feel speechless :) I'm glad you liked these pics, which only reflect the beautiful spot I found days ago while driving around. One of these days we have to create a joint blog between all of us just for the pics... Then, I know, we'll be unbeatable eheh. By the way, Z., my background is in journalism and politics, so I'm surprised myself that I'm able to take interesting pictures at all! Hugs
Milan = journalism involved photography right??
people in journalism...can see things differently if to compare with the others...
hence, not surprise if you are able to get beautiful pictures...
:) Z., actually is more like writting articles in my case, but I do hope you're right eheh. Hugs
Dear HippyChix, thanks so much for the encouraging words. Actually, I remebered that you liked my B/W pictures when I was editing them - and that was one of the main reasons for choosing B/W instead of colour. I'm glad I was able to transmit a bit of the atmosphere of the place to all of you. There's always so much beauty to capture around us, and it's rewarding to read such nice messages, from people I came to admire so much in the past few months. Hugs
Thats a great pic!! Nothing like it! Award winning! :p
Best wishes.
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