Actually, J. tells me now that this beach is actually near Tarrafal. This is the maximum security prison to where the political opponents to the previous fascist dictatorship were sent from all over the empire. The name still inspires horror to most of us in Portugal.
K.,it lasted for decades, from the early 20s to the 70s, and mirrored Franco's fascist dictatorship in Spain. During those years we also had the wars in the colonies and all ended in 1974, when the Army made a coup d´Etat and overthrew, peacefully, the old regime.
I like the vibrant "life" with all the people on the beach.
Lovely beach!
Actually, J. tells me now that this beach is actually near Tarrafal. This is the maximum security prison to where the political opponents to the previous fascist dictatorship were sent from all over the empire. The name still inspires horror to most of us in Portugal.
How long ago was this dictator in power? It does put a whole new light on what looks like a lovely tourist beach. :( (Still a pretty picture, though)
K.,it lasted for decades, from the early 20s to the 70s, and mirrored Franco's fascist dictatorship in Spain. During those years we also had the wars in the colonies and all ended in 1974, when the Army made a coup d´Etat and overthrew, peacefully, the old regime.
agree with metallyptica...
this beac area looks great....
with the mountain at the background and the beacch...
somehow it does resemblance copacabana beach in rio de janiero, brazil.... isnt it?
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