My infamous hay fever came back these days and J. threatened me with physical aggression if I didn't go to the doctor. So here I am, looking through the window in this brand new hospital in the Expo 98 area...
A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
Bummer about your hay fever! Hope you are feeling well soon. But if you have to be ill, this looks like a nice place to do it. P.S. 'J' is totally right and very smart.
wht is hay fever? somesort of fever?
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even when u r in a hospital, you still manage to capture all these maravilhoso shots...
Eheh, K, I'll give the message to J. :)
Z., hay fever is only allergy to pollen, grass, that kind of thing. You just sneeze a lot. I suppose it's the Spring coming :))))
I agree with K, Milan! J is a wise person (whoever J is...)!
Hope you get well soon! ;) My sister has a lotta allergies also, and she's always having to take care of herself and taking medication in order to reduce the damn sneezes... I can't hear another sneeze!! lol
Get well soon! :)
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