Meow... This cat's name is Silvestre, and he belongs to one of our friends. I believe he's six and I found him huuuuuge compared to our own little feline...
A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
heheheh...Silvestre looks FIERCE
Yes, only now I realise he looks like Garfield :) I'm sure the little beast is fierce. To be honnest, after all the scratching and bitting of our own little feline, this other creature really looks threatening to me now! :)))
Oh yeah, he is definitely giving you "the stink-eye." It's how a cats (and some people) show they're irritated. haha!
K., we are already recognising such signs in our little creature at home! I often run away when he begins staring very seriously and quiet. It means he's going to jump on you!
It reminded me of my own cat, Brino (short for Brinardin, not Bernardino!). I miss that little fellow!
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