A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

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Yesterday, passing near the countryside...


Metallyptica said...

Where's that? Alentejo? Ribatejo?

Milan said...

Hei Metal girl, it's actually just across Vasco da Gama bridge, near Alcochete. There's a lot of countryside in that area, that cannot be enjoyed really, as most of the place is covered with animal farms (mainly pigs, so you can imagine the smell...:))))

zbjernak said...

this field seems so rusty...heheh...rugged...


pig pig??

i have not seen a walking pig before... all i saw..are those dead one....heheehehehehehhehehe

Metallyptica said...

Oh... right... that "nice" smell coming from pig farms... :s :s :s

LOLOL!! I can't believe it, Z!! Never seen a living pig?! Gosh! LOL

Milan said...

Z., apparently, in India, they have all that walking around, and also cows, that stop the traffic everywhere (every life is sacred for the Hindus, and so much for the cow, a kind of symbol of life and fertility)... I won't try to imagine the smell the poor beasts leave everywhere :)))

EngLee said...

I like this one. A windy day. :)


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