A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...

Friday, October 28, 2005

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In Rio, it didn't take me long to find out that my four stars hotel was quite close to a "favela" - those small shanty town like suburbs, surrounding the rich and affluent bay, with its skyscrapers and deluxe apartments. One night I even heard what seemed like shooting and a grenade exploding. Actually, some families from the "favela" were just celebrating something with fireworks... For a less traditionalist approach to the "favela" - running away! - how about checking the "Favela Tours"?


KMJ said...

Wow, your link and the additional photos are so telling. Especially the one photo - 'social contrast.' Your photo of the hillside is so vibrant, but it's a little shocking, to see such extremes in wealth and poverty just a few feet away from each other.

zbjernak said...

wow...look at that...
it is indeed a great neighbourhood..
wonderful picture

bingo and betty said...

wow!!!!!!!! wow!!!!!! wow!!!!!!!! wow.!


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