A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...

Monday, November 21, 2005

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It's a cold and rainy day here. In the office, my feet are frozen and I want to go home! I imagine if these old apartments in front of my window are warm enough in winter... Something tells me that they're not...


Eva Shanti said...

Almirante Reis? Pelo menos lá perto? Acho que as nossa casas são, de um modo geral, frias. Já não senti isso na Holanda, pois apesar das casas serem velhas, têm um melhor sistema de aquecimento.


Milan said...

Precisamente Eva :) A velha Almirante Reis. Este mito de vivermos num clima temperado tem destas. Não sabemos o que é o aquecimento central, gelamos no Inverno, cozemos no Verão :))

Wendi said...

Just a quick question for you, infact you might have already posted this somewhere, but what kind of camera do you use? Your colors seem so vibrant and crisp. Also what photo editing software do you use? I cant seem to find a way to do a border like you do, sort of blury. If you dont want to post your photo "secrets" here, just email me :))

Milan said...

Hi Wendi! It's my pleasure to tell you all the "secrets" :))) I suppose you can create those borders with Paintshop or Photoshop, but I find I'm too dumb to use those programs without some long training. I found an interesting software, Photoelf, that does the job well (the borders I mean, but you can use it for much more; here's the address: http://www.photoelf.com/)
To saturate the colours and create some vigneting, and give these recent pictures a "Lomo" effect (check http://www.lomography.com/), I used Gimp 2 (http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/), and a "Lomo script/action), easily available for free in the Internet).
The camera I used to take these latest pictures is my old Olympus C760 - it only has a 3.2 MP resolution, but by looking at the pictures you would think it's 7MP, as it so sharp and defined. The 10x zoom lens is 42-420mm equivalent, which is really not that good for landscape photography, though. I hope it helped. *

Wendi said...

Thanks sooo much Milan, I will definately check out those sites :))

Nuno said...

Ooops. Comentei com o login da Chiara :)

Milan said...

Olá Nuno, bem vindo. A mítica Almirante Reis cá continua, à tua espera :) Nos últimos tempos ainda mais cosmopolita que o habitual (no prédio amarelo mais pequeno na foto, já só vivem famílias chinesas, pelo que consigo perceber com o meu olhar bisbilhoteiro :)))) Escureci um pouco a foto e tornei as cores mais vivas, para lhe dar um ar mais dramático :)

zbjernak said...

loves the architecture...
and those balcony....

but then...do these buildings have lift?... else...it would be tiring to climb up and down...eheheheheh

Milan said...

Z., I'm afraid most do not have a lift, as they were built in a time when they wero not so common (or did not exist at all). Nothing serious for a young man like you, but surely painful for old people, which tend to be the majority of inhabitants in such buildings.

KMJ said...

Such lovely rich colors. There's incredible detail in all the bits and pieces of this shot. Very nice! :)

Sabri Hakim said...

WOW wonderful picture.

bingo and betty said...

... man what a amazing eye you have Milan, and the way you use colour. 'Beautiful Zen' ...
