... man what a great country, whats the temperature there now? as always Master 'M' excellent series. kinda kool having 'Metallyptica' shine the light too...
Hi guys... Z. actually the tram has a different shape, to acommodate to the hill. We have some 5, 6 like this one, and all they do is to go up and down hilly roads in the center. And the ride is not bumpy at all :) B&B, the temperature these days goes between 5º at night and 13, 15º Celsius during day time, which must bi hig spring temperatures for you. For us is cold as hell!
why is the coach like hanging from the wire?
this is the old tram in lisboa?
it runs through the city centre??
is it bumpy ride?
... man what a great country, whats the temperature there now? as always Master 'M' excellent series. kinda kool having 'Metallyptica' shine the light too...
Hi guys... Z. actually the tram has a different shape, to acommodate to the hill. We have some 5, 6 like this one, and all they do is to go up and down hilly roads in the center. And the ride is not bumpy at all :) B&B, the temperature these days goes between 5º at night and 13, 15º Celsius during day time, which must bi hig spring temperatures for you. For us is cold as hell!
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