Lovely 19th century buildings in this area. That's the Portuguese flag you can see in a window - it became fashionable to show one during the Euro 2004, and some haven't been removed since than.
A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
I had a few flags in my appartment as well during the Euro 2004... And one in my car, and my portuguese scarf on the car also... And always something in my clothing... But now that the Euro is gone I thought it was better to take it all off...
Yups, like with the rest of the bunch in the whole country. I guess some people just forgot to remove them from the balconies :)))
No... Some people I believe did not forget to remove the flags! Some people just learnt to love our flag and our patriotism, so they let the flag on the balcony so that they don't forget the feeling... But that's just my humble opinion...
Love random photos of flags in windows, on balconies, etc. Very festive and patriotic.
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