When I left the restaurant used the ISO 800 to capture this picture. I really liked that blue tonality in the night sky - it seemed black with the naked eye.
A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
most Excellent, very nice 'M', do you make prints of any of these?
Very cool sky, you're right. It's amazing what colors the camera will pull out in these types of conditions.
Thanks guys. B&B, I still haven't printed "anything" from my digital pictures... It's amazing, but true. Actually, I've read somewhere that we are creating an era with no memory with our digicams. Most people dont print anything and in a few years, a lot of our shots and memories from these years will just vanish, hidden somewhere in the digital realm...
ya this one should be made into a print.
I Agree, I loved this picture. I enjoyed seeing all your pictures but there are some that are meant to be printed as well. YoOu're right not many pictures will go from digital format to print, but I do like to print my favorite ones and still maintain that old proceess of placing them in an albumn.
Thanks for sharing
--Celi, visit me @ http://celipics.blogspot.com
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