A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Before heading back home, I went for a short walk near the river. It seems like a nice place for jogging or biking...


KMJ said...

This is a beautiful waterfront shot. The coloring is perfect and that gorgeous bridge in the far background is amazing. One of your best!

Milan said...

I'm glad you liked it K.

Nuno said...

Esta foto está excelente -- faz-me sentir saudades de lisboa :(. Muito Obrigado pelos comentários muito simpáticos no meu bogue. Um abraço,

Metallyptica said...

Ah.... Vasco... That bridge brings me back kinda bittersweet memories... anyway... I loved, LOVED the photo, Milan! :)

Eurídice said...

Me encantan todas tus fotos. Las encuentro maravillosas... es como si me transportasen a otro planeta, a un recóndito lugar del mundo que desconozco absolutamente y que, gracias a tí, estoy llegando a conocer [aunque sólo sea visualmente... cosa que no me preocupa, pues una imagen dice más que mil palabras].

Milan said...

NrD, muchas gracias! A mi me encantan tus dos blogs tambien, llenos de sentimiento y magia - y bonitas fotos ("Blanco Roto" y "Fragmentando Porciones"", en mi "link list" desde hoy). Un beso (y perdona el español jeje).

Milan said...

Metallyptica, bittersweat memories? Humm... Who's that Vasco?! Ehehe You'll have to tell us that story some day :)


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