A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

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Back to São Paulo again...


zbjernak said...

wow....another brazil trip = more pictures...


sau paulo...
very huge, crowded, messy, grey yah
any offtrack visit other than sau paulo?

KMJ said...

Such an eclectic mix of buildings and architectural style. It just has such an organic feel. That gray sky is wild...what was the weather like?

Milan said...

Hello guys, thanks for passing by. I'm already back in Lisbon, but I'l still editing my pictures, so I can share with you later. Yups Z., I went to Rio de Janeiro as well! I'm in love with that country. K., it was still winter a few days ago. I could not believe they would have a severe winter like us guys in the Northern Hemisphere, so just took some mild Spring clothes. Big mistake! I had to buy a jacket there :))) Catch with u all later.

Mola said...

tirando o tempo, foi boa a viagem?
queremos ver!! :P

Milan said...

Olá Mola! Tudo óptimo, deu para "destressar" um pouco, e o tempo frio teve o seu encanto. As famosas vacas estavam por toda a parte e o pior mesmo foi ter de voltar! :))))
