Hi Milan, I love these windmill pics. There's a long stretch of barren highway in the farmlands between southern and northern California, and they have "windmill farms" where the hills are just loaded with hundreds of them. This reminds me so much of that area... Very nostalgic.
P.S. I have NO IDEA where my blogs disappeared to. If you see them, will you please send them home for dinner? :)
Hello K.! Uff! Some of us were really becoming worried with your disappearance! Try writting Blogger about that, although I doubt they will answer (the service is BAD). I hope you sort that out :)
Hi Milan, I know you popped by Mrsfish's blog, but wanted to personally let you know I have set up 'temporary housing' at spillforth2.blogspot.com. But that's a combo of my regular blog and photo blog, so it's kind of a mish-mash. :) Hope you drop by...
Thanks for passing by MrsFish. Yes, D. Quixote also comes to mind, and those things are really huge. In one of the pictures an old windmill can barely be seen, and it was one thent of the size of the other monsters! Good to see you blogging K. I've linked your new blog already :)
Hey, Milan! Sorry to keep bringing my drama to your blog...but I'd recommend you "unlink" my So the Echo address because it has been stolen/commandeered by some creepy person with a porn fetish. >:( So far, nothing has happened to my original Spill Forth Chameleon site, but who knows...
I am doubting that Blogger will be able to help me get either site back now. Grrr-arghhh!!!
:))) Ok K. Check if you don't have any spyware/malware software installed in your PC. Someone could have stolen your passwords in such a way and that might explain what's going on.
Hello Margarida, bem vinda :) Na verdade os portugueses aqui escrevem várias vezes em Português, se fores espreitar alguns comentários. Acho que a culpa é minha. Comecei o fotoblogue em jeito de brincadeira apenas em Inglês e, durante muito tempo, todos os visitantes e a gente que me "linkava" usava o Inglês. A coisa ficou, e acho que, agora, vamos escrevendo todos em Inglês, para dar assim um ar mais cosmopolita e universal à coisa :)))
Hi Milan,
I love these windmill pics. There's a long stretch of barren highway in the farmlands between southern and northern California, and they have "windmill farms" where the hills are just loaded with hundreds of them. This reminds me so much of that area... Very nostalgic.
P.S. I have NO IDEA where my blogs disappeared to. If you see them, will you please send them home for dinner? :)
Hello K.! Uff! Some of us were really becoming worried with your disappearance! Try writting Blogger about that, although I doubt they will answer (the service is BAD). I hope you sort that out :)
Hi Milan, I know you popped by Mrsfish's blog, but wanted to personally let you know I have set up 'temporary housing' at spillforth2.blogspot.com. But that's a combo of my regular blog and photo blog, so it's kind of a mish-mash. :) Hope you drop by...
Thanks for passing by MrsFish. Yes, D. Quixote also comes to mind, and those things are really huge. In one of the pictures an old windmill can barely be seen, and it was one thent of the size of the other monsters!
Good to see you blogging K. I've linked your new blog already :)
Hey, Milan!
Sorry to keep bringing my drama to your blog...but I'd recommend you "unlink" my So the Echo address because it has been stolen/commandeered by some creepy person with a porn fetish. >:( So far, nothing has happened to my original Spill Forth Chameleon site, but who knows...
I am doubting that Blogger will be able to help me get either site back now. Grrr-arghhh!!!
:))) Ok K. Check if you don't have any spyware/malware software installed in your PC. Someone could have stolen your passwords in such a way and that might explain what's going on.
Hi Milan! I'm finally back in the business! :)
I love those shots, altough they remind me of school times... since I had to write an essay about windmills and new energies last year! LOL
Good to see you back Metallyptica! Actually, good to see you all back blogging.
this windmills make me think of sci-fiction movie
nice one..never see one before....
oh...we are no full-house again...
very happy...
previously metallyptica was no where to be seen.....k was dissapeared and milan was static.... now you are all back..
aqui na minha terra há disso, lindas fotografias. :)
já agora porque é que todos te escrevem em inglês mesmo sendo portugueses?
Hello Margarida, bem vinda :) Na verdade os portugueses aqui escrevem várias vezes em Português, se fores espreitar alguns comentários. Acho que a culpa é minha. Comecei o fotoblogue em jeito de brincadeira apenas em Inglês e, durante muito tempo, todos os visitantes e a gente que me "linkava" usava o Inglês. A coisa ficou, e acho que, agora, vamos escrevendo todos em Inglês, para dar assim um ar mais cosmopolita e universal à coisa :)))
And if you look carefully, you can see Quijote riding towards the windmills on the lower left corner.
Flávio, I only noticed it now that you mention. It is really there!!! :)
hello...anybody home??
paging for milan, milan from lisbon...kindly contact the blogging world please.
Thank you
Hi Z., thanks! I came back from a three weeks trip to Brazil yesterday and I'm still recovering :) I'll post more news soon. Regards
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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