I've been away from my blog so long this time! Lately, I've had little time to take pictures or visit my cyberfriend's blogs and photoblogs, but, you know, I always miss you guys a lot! Some time ago, my friend Karas (who is an actor) asked me to take pictures at one of his plays, in Almada. I'm posting some of the pictures taken at the rehearsals below, where you can also see Maria João Garcia and Paulo Diegues. The first pictures are of Karas near the beach in Caparica. I'm finally convincing some of my friends to let me post their pictures here :))) (I can't stand landscapes any more to be honnest! :)). Karas face became quite well known in Portugal recently, when he appeared in a TV ad for Caixa Geral de Depósitos, playing this smart taxi driver who knew all about online banking and finances. You can check a blog about his last play, "Mysterio", here. 'Promise to come back soon!
good to see you Master M
it must be great to know someone who is popular...a calebrity
Milan are you back for good. Miss your pictures already :)
The third picture is kindda cool. Your friend looks as he's standing stringht but the horizon is tilted so much. What's the secret behind that shot?? And not forgetting the last one...super cool...
Hei Dark Kai, I'm glad to see u all guys again. No secret here. I used Karas to test my Fuji S5500 some time ago (I wanted some portraits with the background blurred, to see if the camera did the job well). I ended up choosing these ones for the blog mainly because of the sea behind him, which gives a pleasant touch. Won't blog as often as before, but I promise to keep some activity here and check with you all guys! Big hug.
Dark Kai, now that you mention it... Karas is straight in the picture and the horizon isn't... I had not noticed it and have no idea how I did that!!!
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Hey you look like my brother
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