My cat was sleeping in the living room the other day, when I woke him up by mistake while checking the camera. His name is Bindu by the way. I think he likes to be photographed...
A blog with pictures and memories from life in Lisbon. Um blogue de recordações de Milan Perveze...
... sure good to see your getting 'one' with the camera again! so you coming out of retirement? and where the heck is Master 'K'? man its just me and 'Z' now ...
Hei Mr Bingo! Yes, everybody getting too lazy these days :) We've got to plan some message spamming in the othe blogs, to see if we can wake them up :)
bingo-> heheheh yah.... where are they?
milan-> tht sounds fun...
and bindu sounds like windu... or wast it mindu? jedi from star wars
Z., to be honnest, I don't remember how we came up with that name. It just sounded funny :) Kind of cartoonish name. It reallu suits him now :)))
Olá Milan!
Que bom ter-te de volta!
Acho muito bem que procures captar pessoas e animais. Já sabemos que tens talento quanto fotografas paisagens e a cidade, agora vamos poder descobrir um lado mais humano, penso eu de que...
Também tenho um gato que me acompanha há 15 anos. Chama-se Nico e é um siamês enorme. Também gosta de fotos.
Querida Eva, obrigado por aqui passares! Ainda estou a tentar reentrar na blogosfera e, daqui a nada, espero, volto a bombardear-te com comentários, até porque ja sinto falta dos teus textos. Kisses!
my cats love to be photographed too.
I have four:
Baltazar (my favorite)
his girlfriend: Eva
Eva´s Mother: Princessa
and Eva´s half brother(much older than her) Belzeboo (Boo for short) Why Belzeboo (derived from the name of the devil Belzebub, as he is a little Devil and is always playing sneak up tricks)
Hi Milan! I love these pics of your kitty. Those eyes are piercing! It's great to catch up on your blog, since I have been 'missing in action' for the last several months too. I like your mix of portraits and scenery shots. As always, you capture a stylized, moody feel for all your subjects. Have a great rest of September. I'm really looking forward to fall / October.
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